Seyfarth Synopsis: The IRS has announced adjustments decreasing the affordability threshold for plan years beginning in 2023, which may cause employers to have to pay more for ACA compliant coverage in 2023.

The IRS recently released adjustments decreasing the affordability threshold for plan years beginning in 2023 in Revenue Procedure 2022-34.

Under the Affordable

Seyfarth Synopsis: Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the most recent challenge to the Affordable Care Act. The case has the potential to invalidate the entire law. While the Court’s decision isn’t expected soon, the oral arguments may provide some clues as to which way the Justices are leaning. We stress, however, that

By Mark Casciari and Ben Conley

As we suggested might happen, the Supreme Court has granted certiorari in King v. Burwell.  The core of this case, as copious press reports have noted, is whether the Affordable Care Act’s limitation of premium tax credits to exchanges “established by the State” was sloppy drafting or