Seyfarth Synopsis: Access to reproductive health care has been a part of the national debate for years, and even more so since 2022 when the US Supreme Court issued its ruling in Dobbs overturning decades of precedent established under Roe v. Wade. As a result, the topic has become a focal point in the Presidential election with the two main candidates having seemingly very different platforms and catering to their constituencies who have strongly held beliefs and values on the issue. This aspect has been well covered in the media. However, employers also have a vested interest in how the federal and state laws and jurisprudence evolve in this area, which is largely dependent on which party wins the White House and down ticket races this November.
Under Dobbs, the Supreme Court dismantled the federal Constitutional protections around abortion access specifically (and arguably reproductive health care more generally), and in light of the absence of specific federal legislation regarding the right to an abortion, gave the decision on access to each of the states. This triggered fairly immediate action in many of the state legislatures and mobilized citizen initiatives around the country. Continue Reading Reproductive Health Care: A Future in Flux with the Next Administration